TEMPLATEstaat voor Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education.
TEMPLATE is een Europees project dat de professionele competentiewil versterken van pre- en in-service leerkrachten die de aanbevelingen van de Raad van Europa voor het gebruik van meertalige benaderingen in het taalonderwijs volledig willen toepassen.
TEMPLATE wil een professioneel ontwikkelingsprogramma aanbieden dat pedagogische aspecten, inhoudelijke kennis en digitale hulpmiddelen die in de klas kunnen worden toegepast, integreert.
Het is bedoeld als stimulans voor innovatieve praktijken voor programma’s voor de professionele ontwikkeling van leraren in Europa vanuit een meertalig perspectief.
To further support language professionals and schools the project team is offering Erasmus+ courses on plurilingualism. Find more details about the courses offered in 2024. https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/professional-development/courses/pedagogy-and-technology-support-multilingual-classroom
At the Eurocall2023 conference held at the University of Reykjavik (Iceland) in August 2023, our German partners, Euline Cutrim Schmid and Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, presented their intermediate research results in the context of international telecollaboration. Their presentation, entitled “Developing Digital and Pedagogical Competencies for Integrating Plurilingual-Inspired Telecollaboration into the EFL Classroom” was well-received. Well done, […]
Germany’s Regional Workshop
A TEMPLATE regional workshop took place at the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend in Germany on May 5th. It was organized by our German partners Euline Cutrim Schmid, Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, Hilal Sahin and Andrea Kratzer. The primary objective of the workshop was to showcase the results of the project and trial our teacher training […]
Time to recap our webinar series!
After our webinar series, it is time to recap and reflect on the results. We are really happy with our teachers’ participation. They had the chance to meet other teachers from other countries and share experiences and thoughts on Telecollaboration, CALL and CLIL. Thank you to all the participants for your energy and interest.
TEMPLATE Webinar Series: Plurilingual telecollaboration
The first session of the TEMPLATE webinar series on plurilingual telecollaboration attracted 14 foreign language teachers from different European countries. Following a brief input by the German research team, who used an ongoing virtual exchange to exemplify the current research in this context, the teachers worked collaboratively in small groups to analyze and reflect on […]
Challenging the Monolingual Bias in Tellecollaboration: Intermediate Findings of the European Project TEMPLATE
Two members of the TEMPLATE team, Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid and PhD student Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, presented their ongoing research within the framework of the TEMPLATE project at the EuroCALL conference in August 2022. Their presentation, titled “Challenging the Monolingual Bias in Tellecollaboration: Intermediate Findings of the European Project TEMPLATE”, focused on the main […]
Best wishes from the TEMPLATE team!!
The TEMPLATE team wishes you all the best for this upcoming holiday and the new year. We hope to keep sharing and collaborating with you next year. Happy Christmas!! Feliz Navidad!! Buon Natale!! Linksmų Kalėdų!! Frohe Weihnachten!! Glædelig jul!! Joyeux Noël!! Mutlu Noeller!! Boldog Karácsonyt!
Transnational meeting Belgium
TEMPLATE’s second Transnational Meeting and Multiplier event took place at the beginning of November in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). The template team had the opportunity to meet again for three days to reflect on the work done and plan the next steps in the project. Besides, 35 teachers, who shared their interest in plurilingualism, attended our multiplier […]
Plurilingual Escape Room in Italy
On the 31st of October some students of our Italian school partner MAUX (Liceo Maria Ausiliatrice) participated in the plurilingual Escape Room- “Where is Mihaela?”. It was a great opportunity to learn about intercomprehension, good job guys!
Giulia Ciaramita in Eurocall 2022
One of our Junior Phds presented her ongoing work and research at Eurocall. Her presentation, called ‘Pre-service Teacher Education and the Integration of Mediation, Technology and Plurilingualism.’, showed her investigation into Mediation among pre-service teachers both in Spain and Italy comparing results and findings. Good job Giulia!
De belangrijkste doelgroep van het project zijn docenten die betrokken zijn bij vreemdetalenonderwijs, CLIL-activiteiten en projectmatig leren. Zij zullen worden betrokken bij een training die de pedagogische aspecten integreert met de inhoudelijke kennis en de digitale instrumenten (TPACK-model) die effectief in de klas kunnen worden toegepast in een innovatief kader dat de lat hoog zal leggen op het gebied van innovatieve praktijken en lerarenopleidingen in heel Europa.
De bevindingen van gerelateerd SLA-onderzoek worden toegankelijk gemaakt voor docenten door middel van publicaties, conferenties en scripties ter bevordering van de samenwerking tussen onderzoeker en docent en docent-onderzoek, en met als doel docentenopleiders te betrekken bij het onderzoek naar de huidige plurilinguale onderwijspraktijk.
Open educatieve materialen zullen vrij beschikbaar zijn op de projectwebsite, zodat docenten, lerarenopleiders en onderzoekers over de hele wereld kunnen profiteren van modules die zijn geïnspireerd op de projectresultaten en die zijn ontworpen om de implementatie van plurilinguaal vreemdetalenonderwijs te ontwikkelen.