TEMPLATE signifie Technology-Mediated PLurilingual Activities for (language) Teacher Education.
TEMPLATE est un projet européen qui vise à renforcer la compétence professionnelle des (futur.e.s) enseignant.e.s désireux/-ses de mettre en pratique les recommandations du Conseil Européen concernant les approches plurilingues en enseignement des langues.
TEMPLATE cherche à offrir un programme de développement professionnel qui intègre à la fois les aspects pédagogiques, la connaissance du contenu, et les outils numériques qui pourraient être mis en place en classe.
L’objectif du projet est d’encourager les pratiques innovantes dans une perspective plurilingue au sein de programmes de développement professionnel des enseignant.e.s.
Actualités et Événements
To further support language professionals and schools the project team is offering Erasmus+ courses on plurilingualism. Find more details about the courses offered in 2024. https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/en/professional-development/courses/pedagogy-and-technology-support-multilingual-classroom
Newsletter nº 3 – August 2023
*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Dear teachers, teacher trainers and researchers, TEMPLATE has come to its end and we would like to say goodbye with our last Summer Newsletter. Here you will find a summary of all the work the TEMPLATE team has been doing in the last year. Don't forget TEMPLATE is still…
At the Eurocall2023 conference held at the University of Reykjavik (Iceland) in August 2023, our German partners, Euline Cutrim Schmid and Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, presented their intermediate research results in the context of international telecollaboration. Their presentation, entitled “Developing Digital and Pedagogical Competencies for Integrating Plurilingual-Inspired Telecollaboration into the
Germany’s Regional Workshop
A TEMPLATE regional workshop took place at the University of Education Schwaebisch Gmuend in Germany on May 5th. It was organized by our German partners Euline Cutrim Schmid, Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, Hilal Sahin and Andrea Kratzer. The primary objective of the workshop was to showcase the results of the
Time to recap our webinar series!
After our webinar series, it is time to recap and reflect on the results. We are really happy with our teachers’ participation. They had the chance to meet other teachers from other countries and share experiences and thoughts on Telecollaboration, CALL and CLIL. Thank you to all the participants
TEMPLATE Webinar Series: Plurilingual telecollaboration
The first session of the TEMPLATE webinar series on plurilingual telecollaboration attracted 14 foreign language teachers from different European countries. Following a brief input by the German research team, who used an ongoing virtual exchange to exemplify the current research in this context, the teachers worked collaboratively in small
Challenging the Monolingual Bias in Tellecollaboration: Intermediate Findings of the European Project TEMPLATE
Two members of the TEMPLATE team, Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid and PhD student Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, presented their ongoing research within the framework of the TEMPLATE project at the EuroCALL conference in August 2022. Their presentation, titled « Challenging the Monolingual Bias in Tellecollaboration: Intermediate Findings of the European
Best wishes from the TEMPLATE team!!
The TEMPLATE team wishes you all the best for this upcoming holiday and the new year. We hope to keep sharing and collaborating with you next year. Happy Christmas!! Feliz Navidad!! Buon Natale!! Linksmų Kalėdų!! Frohe Weihnachten!! Glædelig jul!! Joyeux Noël!! Mutlu Noeller!! Boldog Karácsonyt!
Transnational meeting Belgium
TEMPLATE’s second Transnational Meeting and Multiplier event took place at the beginning of November in Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium). The template team had the opportunity to meet again for three days to reflect on the work done and plan the next steps in the project. Besides, 35 teachers, who shared their
Plurilingual Escape Room in Italy
On the 31st of October some students of our Italian school partner MAUX (Liceo Maria Ausiliatrice) participated in the plurilingual Escape Room- « Where is Mihaela? ». It was a great opportunity to learn about intercomprehension, good job guys!
Le groupe cible principal du projet est constitué d’enseignant.e.s impliqué.e.s dans l’enseignement des langues étrangères, les activités CLIL/EMILE et l’apprentissage par projet. Ils/elles participeront à une formation qui intègre les aspects pédagogiques à la connaissance du contenu et aux outils numériques (modèle TPACK – Technology, Pedagogy, And Content Knowledge) qui peuvent être appliqués efficacement en classe dans un cadre innovant qui placera la barre haute en termes de pratiques innovantes et de programmes de formation d’enseignant.e.s en Europe.
Les résultats de la recherche portant sur l’acquisition d’une langue seconde (Second Language Acquisition) seront mis à la disposition des enseignant.e.s par le biais de publications, de conférences et de thèses afin de promouvoir la collaboration chercheur.e.s- enseignant.e.s et la recherche avec les enseignant.e.s, et dans le but d’impliquer les formateurs/-trices d’enseignant.e.s dans la recherche sur les pratiques actuelles de l’enseignement plurilingue.
Des ressources pédagogiques libres seront disponibles gratuitement sur le site web du projet afin que les enseignant.e.s, les formateurs/-trices d’enseignant.e.s et les chercheur.e.s du monde entier puissent bénéficier de modules inspirés des résultats du projet et conçus pour développer la mise en place d’un enseignement plurilingue des langues étrangères.