Newsletter nº 2 – July 2022

Juli 18, 2022 | Newsletter

Dear teachers and researchers, 

Here's our Summer Newsletter. 

Here you will find a summary of all the work the TEMPLATE team has been doing in the last year, and an update of the forthcoming events.

You can subscribe on our website ( in order to keep receiving our updates. 

We hope you like it, 

Newsletter nº 2 - July 2022

TEMPLATE finished 2021 with a Transnational Meeting and the first Multiplier Event in Spain.
Both events were very fruitful and encouraging. Our first Transnational Meeting allowed us to see each other face-to-face for the first time and work together hand in hand. 
The Multiplier Event hosted a group of 60 in-service and pre-service teachers who enjoyed in a very participative way the workshops about Plurilingualism, Mediation and teaching methodologies given by our partners.

The year ended and a new year started with the Telecollaboration sessions on Plurilingual Virtual Exchange. 
From November 2021 till January 2022, eighteen language teachers from Italy, Spain, Germany, Lithuania and Belgium took part in a series of practical workshops on plurilingualism in international project-based education with telecollaboration. The participants engaged in a telecollaboration project using a variety of technological tools, such as Zoom, Padlet, Kahoot, Flipgrid, Google Forms, Google Docs, and Moodle.
The teachers’ feedback was overall positive and some of them have already started implementing these ideas in their classrooms. Here is what some of the teachers said about their experience:

Excellent contribution: I have repeated the experience with my students.”
“Please keep this group active, engaging us as participants in extra meetings!!”
“…I have already used the activities on sayings and different proverbs and related it to different languages or adapting and it was useful… it was a perfect way to engage them (students) in this plurilingual multicultural atmosphere and it did work properly well…”
As a result of these workshops and the collaboration opportunities they provided, three pairs of teachers from Italy and Germany designed and implemented their own school-based international language learning projects with telecollaboration from March till June 2022.
These six teachers then presented their respective projects to the group, focusing on the design, implementation, as well as the feedback from their students. Annamaria Zarrella (Turin, Italy) and Jennifer Konradt (Berlin, Germany) as well as Angharad Wetzel (Schwäbisch Gmünd, Germany) and Annalisa Purpura (Turin, Italy) presented their primary school projects, whereas Andrea Kratzer (Abtsgmünd, Germany) presented the secondary school project that her class collaborated on with Sara Toso’s class (Turin, Italy).
It was very exciting to hear how the teachers applied their newly-acquired knowledge about plurilingual telecollaboration in their own contexts.
Both in-service and pre-service teachers from the five countries of the consortium participated in the training sessions organized by each country. 
We showed them samples of Technology-Mediated Plurilingual activities for their language teaching both in CLIL and EFL. We also gave them a wide variety of resources and digital tools to help them develop and design their own tasks. And then, the creation process started!
Both pre-service and in-service teachers came up with the most creative and varied lesson plans for primary and secondary school. 
They used all kinds of tools to engage students and make them aware of the plurilingualism in their classrooms while learning languages. 
In-service teachers had the chance to implement their own tasks in their classes and test students' responses and reactions. Our role? Just to observe the result of a job well done. 
So, congratulations to all the in-service and pre-service teachers who got involved in the process, and thank you for your time, work and effort, we couldn't have made it without you!
This year our social networks have taken off. You can find us on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and our website. 
Our website, Facebook and Instagram will keep you posted on all the events we organise, the ones we participate in and the steps we are taking. 
On our YouTube channel you will find a wide variety of video tutorials with very useful resources for your daily teaching.
Through Twitter, with more than 400 followers, we are sharing events, conferences, teaching trends and all the information we find interesting for you. 
The TEMPLATE team has been presenting the project in several events this year. Here are some of them!
Noelia Ruiz,  Enzo Boggio  and Giulia Ciaramita shared their work with their presentations:
"Teachers’ views towards technology-mediated plurilingual practices: the TEMPLATE project." and "New competences, new proposals: technology-mediated tasks to foster mediation competence in language learning"
AESLA 2022
Giulia Ciaramita and Inmaculada Fortanet talked about our project through multimodality with the presentation: 
"Multimodality as a mediation strategy in foreign language textbooks."

Our TELLConsult senior advisor Ton Koenraad has also taken part in the dissemination of our project.
Ton Koenrad, who is involved in the external evaluation of our project, reported about our latest dissemination activities in an event organised by the University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Utrecht) and also among the attendees at the LLRC conference organised by the Leiden University Language Learning Resource Centre.

This is where TEMPLATE will be presented in the next few months. Stay tuned if you want to know more!
August 2022
September 2022

October 2022
November 2022
After the teacher training, task implementation and observation, it is time for us to review all the good work our teachers have done and to listen to their opinions and reflections. 

All the partner countries will be analysing the task proposals we've received and all the suggestions and comments on the ones we offered. We will be working hard on our final product as our goal is to offer you handy sources and materials for your teaching that help you integrate Plurilingualism, Technology and languages in your classrooms. 
In this Newsletter, meet our Junior PhDs
“Herkese merhaba! My name is Hilal Şahin and I am a PhD student at the University of Education Schwäbisch Gmünd in Germany. My research interests include multi-/plurilingualism, teaching English to young learners, and the development of English teachers’ professional identities. I am very happy to be a part of the TEMPLATE team and to learn with and from people from different countries!”
¡Hola a todos! My name is Enzo Boggio, and I’m a PhD student at the University Jaume I (Castelló, Spain). Language learning and technology is simply part of my identity —that’s why joining the TEMPLATE project was a must for me. Besides Spanish (my mother tongue), Catalan and English, j’ai tombé amoureux avec le Français au lycée, ich kann ein bisschen Deutsch ed adesso sto imparando l’italiano.

Technology has played a crucial role in my own learning of languages. That’s why I always try to include it in my teaching and have begun to study its implications. My first piece of research explored web-game-based vocabulary learning, and the first subject I taught at university has been ICTs Applied to the Teaching of English. Nice to meet you! 
Ciao a tutti! I am Giulia Ciaramita and I am a PhD student at the University of Turin (Italy) and at the Univesity Jaume I (Castellon de La Plana, Spain). I also work as a French teacher at Istituto Maria Ausiliatrice (a High School in Turin). I am part of the TEMPLATE project and my research is about the use and teaching of mediation in class. I am glad to be a part of TEMPLATE because it is very enriching to be in touch with a so diverse and multicultural team!