da Estudio9 | Feb 23, 2023
Two members of the TEMPLATE team, Prof. Dr. Euline Cutrim Schmid and PhD student Anita Cvetkovic Kienle, presented their ongoing research within the framework of the TEMPLATE project at the EuroCALL conference in August 2022. Their presentation, titled...
da Estudio9 | Feb 2, 2023
One of our Junior Phds presented her ongoing work and research at Eurocall. Her presentation, called ‘Pre-service Teacher Education and the Integration of Mediation, Technology and Plurilingualism.’, showed her investigation into Mediation among pre-service teachers...
da Estudio9 | Feb 2, 2023
Template is back to work! Our partners from Spain Inma Fortanet and Carmen Notari, and our Italian Junior Phd Giulia Ciaramita presented some of our project findings in the last International AELFE Conference which took place in Pisa on the last 14th and 15th of...
da Estudio9 | Feb 2, 2023
Last month, Carmen Notari, one of our partners from Spain, gave a presentation at the VI International Conference E-Grapheles in Valencia (Spain). In her speech Actitudes, usos y necesidades tecnológicas de nuestros docentes de lenguas. Proyecto TEMPLATE, Carmen...
da Estudio9 | Mag 30, 2022
Our project coordinator, Elisa Corino, and our partners Noelia Ruiz and Enzo Boggio will participate and share their work at the conference TISLID 2022 (Technological Innovation for Specialised Linguistic Domains), which will take place on the next 27th and 28th of...
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